St. Paul Podcast
A vibrant faith community in Davenport, Iowa, St. Paul Lutheran Church runs a ministry that reaches across the country and outreach commitments that extend around the world.
372 episodes
Two truths and a lie, 3.9.2025
Mark Niethammer preaches on discerning the truth. Our lives and world are full of people, philosophies, advertising, and social media all trying to convince us of various lies. As Christians, we stand up to the lies that try to convince us that...

Second Sunday in Lent, The Bible for Worship
Midway through Jesus' journey to Jerusalem and Calvary, Luke again shows him tempted to turn aside from God's will and promise, and again Jesus claims the heritage of the prophets of biblical Israel to press on with confidence in the path on wh...

Little Bird and Jesus in the wilderness
Today, Jesus heads out to the wilderness alone and Little Bird is very worried about him. So worried that she takes off to find him. A lizard helps her find her friend, but he is not alone in the wilderness. Who is that sitting with Jesus? Litt...

First Sunday of Lent, The Bible for Worship
As Jesus steps away from his baptism with the gift of the Holy Spirit, Luke shows him immediately tempted to use for his own purposes and power the gracious and powerful relationship God has created with him and aligns the resistance to temptat...

Playgrounds and mountaintops, 3.2.2025
Mac Mullins preaches on transformation. Our light, God’s light within us, shines through the abundance of how we live; living with patience, humility, and limitless generosity. When we begin seeing, reacting, and envisioning ourselves and other...

Little Bird and Jesus on the mountain
Today, Little Bird, Jesus, and some of the disciples take a small little hike up a mountain. Once on the mountaintop, Little Bird and the disciples are in for a big, sparkly surprise!

Transfiguration of our Lord, The Bible for Worship
A key turning point in Luke's' gospel marks a key turning point in the church year, as the changing of Jesus' face on a mountaintop marks the beginning of his journey to Jerusalem, cross, and resurrection and our journey through Lent to Holy We...

Divine imagination, 2.23.2025
Sara Olson-Smith preaches on mercy. God forgives us and welcomes up back over and over again, not just for our sake, but so that this mercy will trickle down through our lives and through the ways we live in the world. When we are at our worst,...

Little Bird and Jesus and the vine
Jesus, Little Bird, and his friends, the disciples, get a little silly today. Jesus plays a little game to get the disciples to guess what he is and soon, they’re all part of the game!

Seventh Sunday after Epiphany, The Bible for Worship
In Luke's account of Jesus' Sermon on the Plain, he reminds the reader that we always have control over our posture in response to abuse and injury and that God's own dignified posture of love remains the one meaningful model we have.Pre...

Blessed are the poor?, 2.16.2025
Mark Niethammer preaches on the blessings of God. We have every opportunity to forget our faith and take for granted the things we have. If the things we have to fall back on (money, food, comfort) are gone, do we have the faith to acknowledge ...

Little Bird and Jesus and the promise of the Holy Spirit
Hi podcast friends! Do you ever feel afraid or alone? Of course, you do. We all do at times. A Little Bird told us that today’s episode helps remind us that with the Holy Spirit we are never alone. Because the Holy Spirit is a parakeet…no wait…...

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany, The Bible for Worship
In the first major speech by Jesus in Luke's gospel, the focus of life as God's people is on those who understand themselves to be in need — of God's kingdom, God's nourishment, and God's gift of joy. That can be any of us, and those are the pe...

Continue, 2.9.2025
Katy Warren preaches on continuing. Even those of us who live with great depths of faith in our lives experience uncertainties about the future, emotional fatigue, and overwhelm. When God asks us to do things of great purpose and meaning, God r...

Little Bird and Jesus and the rich young man
Today’s episode has it all. Disciples and their silly jokes. Jesus shares an important teaching. AND everyone’s favorite Tiny Mouse. Oh boy. Tiny Mouse gets himself in quite a predicament and must make a big choice. We promise…it’s a really gra...

Inside/outside, 2.2.2025
Mac Mullins preaches on God’s vision. The promise of God’s love is already ours. It’s not a future reality for us. It is alive here and it is alive now. The very reason most of us worship is to once again hear God’s promise that we will be free...

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany, The Bible for Worship
Introducing Simon Peter as the first disciple that Jesus calls, Luke makes clear some of what discipleship will be about.Preaching text: Luke 5:1-11Bible for Worship is a weekly introduction to the scripture passage that is like...

Little Bird and Jesus and the sending of the 72
In today’s story we see that none of us, not even Jesus, can do it all alone. Jesus needs the help of his friends, the disciples, to help spread the word of God – even Little Bird gets in on the adventure!It’s about time for anoth...

A little support, 1.26.2025
Mark Niethammer preaches on lifting each other up. In healing times, it is always better when there is accompaniment. Sometimes all we need is a little support to grow and heal, and our lives can be changed forever. Jesus calls all of us to liv...

Little Bird and Jesus and who is the best!
On today’s episode, the disciples get a little competitive, wanting to know which one is the best disciple. Jesus shares some good wisdom with them, letting them know that being the best isn’t the most important thing.

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany, The Bible for Worship
Describing Jesus as he offers the hometown crowd in Nazareth the victory cry of God's defeat of oppression and the deadening forces of the world, Luke also reminds them and his readers that God's victory is God's to offer, not ours to claim.

Third Sunday after Epiphany, The Bible for Worship
As Luke opens the story of Jesus' public activity, he offers a summary scene of all that is to come. The work of the Spirit, grounded in Israel, and alive with creativity in Jesus' own day will be the theme of Luke's whole account through the g...

Miraculous faith, 1.19.2025
Katy Warren preaches on the magic of faith. Jesus works among and with us. Everyone has a part in God’s work, a role to play in some way. God doesn’t accomplish miraculous work alone. God works in, among, and through us. We can use our gifts or...